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  • Creator: dash.galaxy

  • Height: 95 meters

  • Weight: 70,000 metric tons

  • Gender: Male

  • Normal Attacks: Scratch, Slash, Bite

  • Strong Attack: Wing Strike

  • Special Attack: Exsanguinating Beam

  • Rage Attack: Wind Storm



Victor Von Frankenstein was a brilliant scientist, whatever you say of him, and his accomplishments in biology have to this day never been replicated completely. Of course, there are those who would venture to point out that the apparent limitations of modern genetic engineers and anatomists are not intellectual but simply more... ethical concerns. After Dr. Frankenstein's successful reanimation experiments were published in medical journals, he initiated correspondence with a Mr. Jonathon Harker, a solicitor and real estate specialist from London. Harker, who was on his way to investigate the castle of Count Dracula, saw an opportunity in buying out Dr. Frankenstein's Castle Frankenstein property due to its new historic significance as the birthplace of undeath. After visiting Victor in person, Jonathan and he became fast friends. It was together that they ventured into the woods later that week to make Mr. Harker's appointment with Count Dracula, an engimatic man, and a vampire in disguise. From then on details of the happenings get fuzzy, but what we do know is that upon meeting Victor, Count Dracula became enthralled with the potential of an unholy marriage of science and dark magick. He enlisted Frankenstein to conduct a series of experiments that would solidify his immortality and make him immune to the traditional weaknesses that vampires hold. But something went awry. No one is clear what happened exactly, but in the aftermath of the experiments, Count Dracula had transformed into a most blasphemous vampire bat of gargantuan proportions. In his rage, he crushed the castle of Dr. Frankenstein and flew off into the night sky. The King of Vampires had ascended to Kaijuhood, forever bearing the moniker "Draculoid".

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