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  • Creator: AgentDrako

  • Height: 75 meters

  • Weight: 54,000 metric tons

  • Gender: Male

  • Normal Attacks: Slash, Bite, Tail Stab

  • Strong Attack: Pounce

  • Special Attack: Energy Beam

  • Rage Attack: Three-Tail Laser



PNTHR-A14 was originally an alien panther with 3-tails. They did have somethings other than the tails that separated them from our panthers, one of which was that they had a bit of advanced knowledge, but not to advanced to be able to craft machines. The race is tribal and like our furry animals they usually were born in litters and well he was basically the runt. Life was tough and like all underdog (or undercat, I'm bad at puns) stories he rose to the top, by fighting others. Things got especially got nasty when he began to eat his tribe's enemies whenever they attack, a lot were killed by him in a war between his tribe and another one. Eventually he killed and slaughtered the tribe leader, he attacked him first for he thought he was still a weak link, and so he became tribe leader. Everything was fine, PNTHR-A14 was actually started to calm down, he settled down and everything, until a race of aliens traveled to his planet searching for the most deadliest. That's when they learned about PNTHR-A14. They kidnapped him, from afar by shooting cables into him and dragged him into their ship as they then basically began to experiment on him. Few years later he changed, stripping him of his flesh and replacing it with a metallic exterior, and they basically sent him from planet to planet having him kill off the species residing on them. Then he gained his own conscious from a virus and attacked the aliens, killing them and causing them to crash to Earth. His goal is simple enough, to prove that he is the alpha on this planet.

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